Friday, January 11, 2008

How Many of "You" Are There?
LogoThere are
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

It's Friday! Here's a little something to waste your time on.


Fran said...

So, interestingly enough, there are 10 people with my name - even though my first name is far more unpopular and statistically rarer than yours - but I think it's all about your surname.


Abuela Marty said...

I'm sure you're right! And if you put in my maiden name (Vohs) you'll get the same 2!

Betsy said...

well, there's one with my married name and zero with my maiden name. When I put in my legal married name as oppposed to my nickname the number jumps to 34.
Betsy (Elizabeth) Dewing-Heilman

MargretH said...

There is no one else with my name. I know you're shocked. :)