Sunday, April 29, 2007

What Are They Thinking?!?

St. Anne's annual Youth Sunday was April 29. Youth participation followed a tried and true format. The preschoolers designed the bulletin cover; banners were carried by kindergarten, first and second graders. Second graders helped with the flowers. Third graders had spots on the altar guild and acolyte team. (The young acolytes were trained by our high school acolytes.) Fourth and fifth graders were ushers and lay readers. The confirmation class (sixth graders) wrote and led the Prayers of the People. The Rite 13 kids were chalice bearers. The sermon was delivered by our high school seniors.

Because I am one of the confirmation class teachers, the Prayers of the People are especially meaningful for me. The sixth graders are told to pray for things that are relavent to their lives. Indeed, they are told that it's their job to help the adults understand what kids are concerned about. These annual prayers are snapshots of current events. Below is the confirmation class' contribution for 2007.

Prayers of the People – Youth Sunday 2007

In peace, we pray to you, Lord God.

We pray for the church, here and around the world:
for Katharine, our presiding bishop; for Peter and David, our bishops; for Shannon, our coadjutor elect; for Father Jim during his sabbatical and for Mother Jackie and Rev. Shelby; for the success of all the missions; for help to make people feel important and feel love; and to let the news about God spread.

We pray for our country and all in authority:
for the president, especially for help to make good decisions; the vice president; for the safety of all our armed forces; for each of us and for freedom and justice.

We pray for the welfare of the world:
for places of war; for people who can’t go to school; for peace and prosperity; and we pray to keep the world safe and happy.

We pray for the earth:
for garbage disposal; for understanding global warming and that we will find an alternate fuel to use instead of our valuable fossil fuel and we pray that animals not be forced out of their habitats.

We pray for our community:
for the homeless; that no one gets hurt climbing trees or doing stunts to impress people; that we may live in peace with our fellow inhabitants.

We pray for those who suffer and those in any trouble:
for all the people with type one diabetes; for all the sick to feel better; for those troubled by homework - remove their sickness and guilt; for the blind and deaf; for those who suffer from cancer, M.S. and autism; for those affected by Hurricane Katrina and people who suffer from natural disasters; and we pray for the people hurt by the things that happened at Virginia Tech.

We pray for those who help other people:
for doctors and others who continue to find cures; for those who work to make life easier for the blind and deaf; for rebuilding efforts after hurricanes and earthquakes.

We thank you, Lord, for all the blessings of this life.
The People may add their own thanksgivings.

We pray for those who have died:
that they may have a place reserved for them in heaven, especially for Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa, Buttercup, George the guinea pig, Nonie, Smokie, Bob Demichelis, and Jack Allen; and we thank you for our brave ancestors and the contributions they made, may they always live in our hearts.

Amen and amen!

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