Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Who Is That Crazy Woman?

Funny how we look to each other, isn't it? Today a dear friend of mine forwarded me some photos taken less than two years ago. I remember noticing her as a new person in our church family and thinking that I'd like to get to know her. She spent a good part of the church retreat weekend taking photos with a digital SLR. (I don't have one of those and am a bit jealous of those who do!)

I wonder what she thought of me that day. Sunday morning at Shrine Mont, after church of course, generally sees the St. Anne's family participating in the Shrine Mont Olympics. I'm not much of an athlete, but I was persuaded to be a cheerleader that morning in Nov., 2006. Some of us lounged on the sidelines while many young and young-at-heart folks ran, skipped and tossed things in an effort to win. I remember screaming for whoever was not winning at the time!

I also remember it being very cold... see how many layers we have on? And in my lap is the blanket I was crocheting for the yet-to-be-born grandbaby Hannah.

I'm sure glad my friend decided I was worth getting to know! Thanks for the smile and the memories, T!


MargretH said...

Nice hat lady!

Abuela Marty said...

Well, it's a warm hat. And made w/ fair trade yarn! Ha!