The talk around here yesterday was all about whether we would get to use one of the 3 "snow days" our school system builds into the calendar. We've had a couple near misses that caused messy rides home, messy rides to school or 2-hour delays in the school start time.
Yesterday at the school we tried everything to encourage bad weather from wearing "Let It Snow" t-shirts to not posting our list of substitutes in the building for Friday to turning off all our computers as if it were really Friday instead of Thursday. On the off chance that it might work THIS time, I ran off copies of the Snow Chant that I keep handy for just such occasions. Many of our students stopped by my desk for their own copy. I must say, they finally got it right!
Today I will be spending the day at home! Yipee! We've got just enough bad weather to close down the schools and not enough to spend the next 3 days shoveling! I'm going to de-clutter a couple spots in the house, bake a cake and finish reading Eat, Pray, Love! Woohoo!
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