Sunday, September 16, 2007

I Love My Church

Today was our first day back on the fall schedule. That meant the 9:00 service was in full swing. Sunday school for 5th graders and younger happens during the first part of the service and the families reunite for the eucharist.

Today was about as much fun as a church full of people who appreciate children can have. In one service we had:
  • a baptism - really cute little guy
  • about a million kids parade in from Sunday school
  • the kid who cried loudly because his brother hit him - NOT because it hurt
  • the kid who picked his nose the whole time he was up front talking to the priest
  • the kid who pounded on the window of the "cry room" when all the other kids were loose in the sanctuary - you could almost hear the shout of LET ME OUT!
  • the little girl who danced ballet all the way down the aisle to communion
  • the kids who "read" the service out of the hymnal until they decided all the black dots meant it was the singing book, not the reading book
This morning's service was testament to the fact that we love our kids. They bring an energy and innocence to our worship. Thank God.

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