Saturday, May 05, 2007


The Class of 2007 has been confirmed! We trekked from Reston to Orkney Springs for the event. It was an overcast day in our Virginia mountains, but the rain held off until our drive home. Having the confirmation at Shrine Mont was special for a number of reasons:

Shrine Mont's Cathedral Shrine of the Transfiguration is the cathedral for the Diocese of Virginia.

Peter James Lee, our Diocesan, performed the confirmations.

We learned that a brick from the church in Jamestown is set into the stonework for the cathedral - linking the class trip to Jamestown and Williamsburg with the site of their confirmation.

It's been fun to explore Episcopal Church history in this, the 400th anniversary year of the founding of the first permanent English colony in North America. In this photo, Queen Elizabeth II is shown visiting the Jamestown church on May 4, 2007.

The service of confirmation occurred on the same day as a gathering in another part of Virginia to celebrate the installation of the Right Reverend Martyn Minns as the Missionary Bishop of the Convocation of Anglicans in North America.

It was a profound pleasure to be in Shrine Mont with The Right Reverend Peter James Lee, 12th Bishop of Virginia.
Photo of Queen Elizabeth II from
Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities website.
Photo of St. Anne's kids w/ Bishop Lee by me.

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