Friday, September 06, 2013

Ah-ha Moments

I took a walk lunchtime walk today. The sky was perfectly blue. The air was neither hot nor cold. The breeze was an unnecessary, but lovely, bonus. It was one of those amazing late summer days we so often take for granted.

Gena's Garden is in late summer shambles. The perennials are overgrown, in need of serious pruning. But today, I was there to enjoy all the life the garden contains. Iridescent green flies, little orange moths and tiger swallowtail butterflies were busy among the hydrangeas and the butterfly bush blooms. I had my camera today and took a few pictures. I wanted to get a nice butterfly shot.

A black and yellow butterfly landed on the purple blossom and I started to focus. Wait, there was something a little off about that butterfly... the bottom wing on its left side was missing, totally gone! Should I wait for a better butterfly?

I started to feel a little ashamed. Would I think a photo ruined if a human being without the usual number of limbs wandered into my viewfinder? Wouldn't I see the person, not the "disability"? So, why would I avoid taking a picture of this butterfly?

The butterfly stopped at several blossoms, gliding masterfully through the leaves and stems of the plants. How did it fly with that wing gone? It sure wasn't crying about the loss, it continued to do what butterflies do, flit around and collect nectar!

Enjoy this stalwart butterfly. They seem fragile, this one even seems broken. And yet, it carries on. We're all broken - some of us more visibly broken than others. Carry on. I will practice thinking you're beautiful the first time I see you!

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