Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Yup, Circle Game!

Not quite 26 years ago, I flew from Puerto Rico to Virginia and introduced an almost crawling baby to the guy you see here. That's my brother Dave. He was a senior in high school at the time. We watched that baby revel in her new-found ability to rock on hands and knees. We called it "revving up!"

At the time, I remembered watching my brother "revving up" his toy cars when he was a little kid. It was a poignant moment, realizing that the boy had grown to a young man who was enjoying the sight of my first-born on the brink of self-locomotion.

The other day, my brother flew to Virginia from Arizona. I watched while my first-born introduced her first-born to her Uncle Dave. Together, the mom, grandma and great-uncle watched daughter, granddaughter and great-niece "revving up."

"Remember?" I asked. "Yup," he replied. Oh, we laughed! Hear the circle, that carousel of time?