I live in a multicultural area. I enjoy having daily interaction with people from other countries who speak languages other than English, who wear clothes that cannot be purchased off the rack at Macy's, who celebrate holidays that haven't made it into the Hallmark cycle.
With all the diversity around here, it's so much fun to celebrate the 4th of July! Democrat, Republican; citizen, immigrant; liberal, conservative - it just doesn't matter today! On St. Patrick's Day, we're all Irish - on Independence Day, we're all American! Red, white and blue, fireworks big and small, hot dogs, crabs, corn on the cob, watermelon, flags everywhere, it's all good today.
Today I can forget my disagreements with political decision-makers and revel in unabashed patriotism. Tomorrow I might climb back on my soap box when asked about war, terrorism, uninsured children and adults, No Child Left Behind, and any number of environmental concerns. Both today and tomorrow I will be grateful that in this country I can express my opinions without fear of repercussion from the government, grateful that I can vote for a representative who will take her/his job seriously without fear for his/her life, grateful that I can worship as I see fit and that my neighbors can worship as they see fit. It's a wonderful country. It's not perfect. I'm so glad it's home!