Friday, August 29, 2008

An Elementary School Quote

Today was the open house at the local elementary school. As I told the new parents, having the kids back in the school gives us purpose.

A couple of my favorite kiddos stopped by my desk after they visited their teachers. One was dressed in girlie pink and the other was outfitted in a gold sequin vest. They were anxious to share highlights of the time we've spent apart. Clearly, they had a great summer.

My favorite quote of the day came from my sequined friend, "I've got a Hannah Montana wig, and I know how to wear it!"

Oh, yes, I've missed those young people!

Thursday, August 28, 2008


I was browsing through the web ring for MDG blogging day and found this quote:

A Place For Divine Love

Show me your hands.
Do they have scars from giving?

Show me your feet.
Are they wounded in service?

Show me your heart.
Have you left a place for divine love?

—Fulton Sheen (1885-1979)

It was good for me to contemplate this message. I've been wrapped up in the Olympics, school opening tasks at work and the Democratic National Convention. I have not been spending enough time leaving a place for divine love! I need to find that quiet space in my mind and heart.

Here's another Fulton Sheen quote for pondering...

“Leisure is a form of silence, not noiselessness. It is the silence of contemplation such as occurs when we let our minds rest on a rosebud, a child at play, a Divine mystery, or a waterfall.”

I haven't thought about silence not being noiseless. That idea might just help with my meditation efforts!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

For a Great Laugh...

Al and Matt are great sports. Thank you, Today Show!

Approaching God

This past Sunday I took my turn as chalice bearer at the church. I stood next to the priest during the eucharistic prayer and, after receiving the bread and wine myself, carried the cup of wine to the altar rail. I followed the priest around the arc of my church family, offering the chalice to each one saying, "the blood of Christ, the cup of salvation."

As I passed from person to person, I began to notice the variety of ways each one participated in the ritual of the sacrament. Some stood and some knelt. The bread was placed in open palms, raised to accept the body of Christ. Some brought their open palms to their mouths to eat the bread while others lifted the bread from one hand with the other and some held the bread, waiting for the cup I carried. As I offered the cup, some dipped the bread into the wine (intinction), some guided the chalice to their lips and drank deeply or with a sip. Some made eye contact with me, some gazed into the chalice.

We come with reverence to receive communion. And we approach God as the individuals that God created us to be. We accept the gift of Christ's body and blood and we offer our God-given gifts back to God... "all things come of Thee, o Lord; and of Thine own have we given Thee."

I am thankful that God loves me, individually, with all my quirks and failings and all my gifts.
Amen and amen.

Monday, August 04, 2008

A New Blog Link

Yes, we set up a great blog for the Dominican Republic Mission Trip. Then, when the Iowa team headed out, I was thinking it would be good to rename the DR blog to a blog we could use for all of the St. Anne's short term mission trips. After realizing that the email address would be significantly different from the blog title, I've started a completely new blog - St. Anne's On the Road. Hopefully, there will be many authors, loads of photos and an all-around view of what it's like to take St. Anne's out on the road!